The Patrol Bureau is the first line of response provided by the Concord Police Department. Under the command of Major Todd McGhee, the Patrol Bureau is responsible and accountable for leadership, performance, efficiency, and general good conduct of the department. Major McGhee delegates responsibilities of patrol as prescribed by the Office of the Chief of Police.
The Operations Bureau is be responsible for providing operational support to the Patrol Bureau via a variety of specialized teams, intervention strategies, and tactics. Commanded by Major Jeremy Baggarly, this bureau partners with patrol, schools, and the community and works collaboratively to reduce the levels of crime, fear, and disorder in neighborhoods; improve the quality of life for Concord’s citizens, visitors, and businesses; and have a positive and lasting impression on the lives of student aged youth.
The Administration Bureau of the Concord Police Department consists of Major Keith Eury and such support staff as deemed necessary by the Chief of Police. The Administration Bureau is responsible for numerous aspects of the department outside of normal patrol and investigative functions. The bureau reviews policies and procedures to ensure they are up to date with current laws and court rulings. Budget oversight remains a major component of the Administration Bureau, as it continues to be responsible for budget management and preparation. Other responsibilities of the Administration Bureau include: staffing, grants, facilities management, information and vehicle technology, strategic planning, career development program, secondary employment, and the administering and planning of promotional processes.